Out Beyond Ideas of Wrongdoing and Rightdoing Rumi Poem #2


Out Beyond Ideas of Wrongdoing and Rightdoing Rumi Poem #2


Limited edition giclee print

80 units

W 17” x 13 ¾” (available also in smaller size)

Original: ink, gouache, coffee stains, gold leaf, watercolors.

This is my second try of Rumi’s poem, this time in Italics, which seem a bit closer to the flowing Arabic/Farsi letters.

Some Muslims have had reservations about Coleman Barks’ translation, saying that the original poem says, “out beyond ideas of faith and heresy” rather than “wrongdoing and rightdoing”. I respectfully acknowledge this issue, but I find that Barks’ rendering is so beautiful, and is loved by so many people, that its not being perfectly faithful to the original should be OK if acknowledged. Hopefully, Rumi would have approved of all of us loving his poem in this version.  

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